Environment templates – part 1 – Create your template

Ok, time for a big topic. Environment templates is a really useful practice which can improve many Continuous Integration areas, so I will probably split its description over several posts. This first post involves, obviously, template creation. The second one will show you how to reuse such template for integration tests automation. Third one will…

Ansible – massively fix bash shellshock

Since the recently discovered bash vulnerabilty is forcing many IT specialist to run massive update to their systems, here you can find a simple ansible script to immediately update all your servers at once, would they be APT or YUM based. — – hosts: “{{deploy_host}}”   remote_user: ansible_user   sudo: yes   vars:     pkg_list_deb:       – bash     pkg_list_rpm:       – bash   tasks:…

Artifactory in the box

Today I got a very interesting problem to solve: I  had to delivery a bunch of libraries to an external developer to let him be able to fully compile a very complex build. Tasks wasn’t easy since he could not simply connect to our local Artifactory to perform the single maven build he would need…

Fixing Heartbleed with Ansible

First of all: this is a re-post of an article from another blog, I do not want to take someone else credit! You can find original post HERE 😉 Many thanks to its author, you save lot of my time! Just want to share it since it was really useful in fixing a bunch of…